Product Roadmap

We've been hard at work scoping, planning and delivering features. The following explains what we've delivered to date and what we're planning to do throughout the coming year.

🚀 Released in 2024

  • AI-Assisted Incident Reporting

    Web Platform

    Our analysts can use artificial intelligence to quickly generate and disseminate incident information when using online sources.

  • API Status Page


    You can monitor the uptime of Intelligence Fusion services in real time at

  • Incident Reporting Browser Extension

    Web Platform

    Our analysts can use a browser extension to quickly collate online information sources into the reporting section of the platform.

  • Timeline Tool

    Web Platform

    A visual representation of how the global threat landscape has evolved over a set period of time.

📣 In Discussion

  • Custom Report Builder

    API Web Platform

    Provide our customers with the functionality to build custom reports from our extensive dataset into formats that meet their unique business requirements.

  • Enhanced Statistics

    API Web Platform

    By adding sector specific structure to our data we can derive greater statistical insights from our intelligence collection.

  • Mobile Asset Tracking

    API Web Platform

    See your assets as they move and plan routes around areas of high alert.

  • Supply Chain Mapping

    API Web Platform

    Mapping of supply chains and understand the impact of intelligence incidents on your logistical operations.

  • Weather API

    API Web Platform

    Provide real time and predictive weather events exposed via our REST API.

📌 Scoping for the Future

  • Active Alerts

    API Web Platform

    The ability to disseminate intelligence via multiple notification options such as SMS, WhatsApp, Slack etc.

  • Analyst RFI requests

    API Web Platform

    The ability to request information and engage with our online analysts.

  • Incident API v3


    A new release of our incident REST API providing a smaller, more consumable and understandable interface.

  • Compound Incidents

    API Web Platform

    Improving our incident reporting capabilities by providing multiple incident types as part of a single incident.

  • Crowdsourcing

    API Web Platform

    With the addition of crowd sourcing to our manual collection and data mining we will increase the speed, breadth and depth of reporting globally.

  • Direction Module

    API Web Platform

    Providing our customers with the ability to provide intelligence direction to suit their specific use case all from within the same platform.

  • Entity Linking

    API Web Platform

    Linking of entities to provide more context and understanding of the data we provide.

  • Group Map Visualisations

    API Web Platform

    Provide enhanced visualisations of main threat actor/group activity across the globe.

  • Incident Prediction Engine

    API Web Platform

    Reaching into our ever growing and extensive incident dataset to provide a predictive angle to the global threat landscape.

  • Open Source Libraries


    In line with the release of v3 of our incident API we will look to release open source language specific libraries to provide technical customers with an easy way to consume our API.

  • Link Analysis

    API Web Platform

    Improving on our existing incident linking functionality to provide contextual linkages between incidents and entities providing a link triangle to ascertain more meaning from our data.

  • Location Based Social Media Search

    API Web Platform

    The ability to draw a geofence and render social media content related to that specific area.

  • Multi Domain Visualisations

    API Web Platform

    Extending upon our current visualisations of land, sea and air incidents we aim to provide additional context from the cyber and space domains.

  • Platform Tour

    Web Platform

    A widget within our platform to provide users with a guided tour around the functionality we provide.

  • Social Media Monitoring and Sentiment Analysis

    API Web Platform

    Social media monitoring of key words and phrases in order to capture online conversations based on specific search queries.

  • Subscription Self Service

    API Web Platform

    The ability for customers to customise their subscription to suit their own unique use case.

  • Traffic API

    API Web Platform

    Provide real time and predictive traffic events exposed via our REST API.

  • Translations

    Web Platform

    In-platform translations for all content providing additional support for non-English speaking customers.

  • Custom User Dashboards

    API Web Platform

    As our functionality set grows provide users with the ability to customise their own experience from without our platform.

  • User Overlay Editing

    API Web Platform

    A place for each user to store their own notes, including a general notes section and against an incident or entity including map measurement tools.

🚢 Shipped in 2023

  • Custom Field Dashboard

    Web Platform

    A central place to view and manage all of the custom fields created by your organisation.

  • Email Two-Factor Authentication

    Web Platform

    An alternative method of using two-factor authentication if you cannot use a secondary device.

  • Emerging Threats

    Web Platform

    A way to quickly track ongoing and predicted incidents from one place. You can see the full breakdown and demo on our LinkedIn.

  • New Email Designs

    A thorough refresh of our incident filter emails to include more relevant data with a sleek, modern look.

  • News in Profiles

    Web Platform

    Using our News API to expand our profile pages to provide more up-to-date information about what you are looking at, right when you need it.

  • Organisation Shared Drive

    Web Platform

    A central place to view and manage all of the content uploaded as part of your organisation.

🚢 Shipped in 2022

  • Custom Client Branding

    Web Platform

    Customise the appearance of the Intelligence Fusion platform either to your liking or to match your organisations branding.

  • Improved Static Asset Handling

    API Web Platform

    Providing the functionality to map more than one geographical location for an asset. Assets can be grouped by type or subtype for improved filtering.

  • Incident CSV Download

    API Web Platform

    A maximum of 1500 incidents at a time can be exported as a CSV file.

  • News API

    API Web Platform

    Expanding our source network by 80,000 sources of which 92% are sourced within 1-2 minutes of appearing online. This new information sits in its own panel, complimenting the thorough detail of the incidents reported by our analysts.

  • Pipeline Overlays

    API Web Platform

    An massive overlay detailing global oil and gas pipelines and their supporting infrastructures.

🚢 Shipped in 2021

  • Custom Incident Reporting

    Web Platform

    Our in-house operations team use the Intelligence Fusion platform to report incidents daily, and now we have extended this functionality to our customers. Custom incident reporting allows our customers to report incidents that are not only visible to their organisation but also provides a unique experience of viewing numerous incident reporting streams all within the same user interface.

  • Entity Profile Pages

    Web Platform

    Entity-specific visualisations for custom regions (collection of countries), a single country, static assets and main threat actors. These profile pages provide incident specific information relating to each entity providing more context and visual representation to the global threat landscape.

  • Global Threat Map

    Web Platform

    In line with organisational specific threat assessments we have released a map module that visualises the global threat landscape from a global map view perspective. This module aids in providing a clear picture on potential at risk countries and areas from a perspective your organisation understands.

  • Threat Assessments

    Web Platform

    Organisation-specific threat assessment functionality providing users with the ability to create and monitor the global threat landscape from an angle they internally understand.